This seminar will cover the role of Farm Credit Canada (FCC) and its offerings, the role of an economist at a financial institution, and the type of economic research the agricultural economics FCC research group does.

Event Link…

Meeting ID: 680 5320 1905
Passcode: 12345


About Jean-Philippe Gervais

J.P. Gervais is Vice-President and Chief Agricultural Economist at FCC. He has over 20 years of experience analyzing domestic and international agricultural policies and markets, and his insights help guide strategy and monitor risk throughout the corporation. He’s frequently a featured speaker at national and international conferences, addressing global trends and the linkages to agri-food markets. In addition to acting as an FCC spokesperson on economic matters, J.P. provides commentary on the agriculture industry through videos and the FCC Ag Economist blog.

Prior to joining FCC in 2010, J.P. was a professor of agricultural economics at North Carolina State University and Laval University. He also held the Canada Research Chair in Agri-Industries and International Trade at Laval. J.P. is Past-President of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society. He obtained his Ph.D. in economics from Iowa State University in 1999.


Recommended readers assigned by speaker:

  1. FCC corporate plan: (Links to an external site.) (Pages 1-16 - not the annexes)
  2. Farmland value report: (Links to an external site.)
  3. Farm equipment sales projections (authored by Joy)